Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

What really is the true cause and affect

I am sitting here listening to the thunder outside wondering to myself, why can’t I just “flip a switch” inside of me and be happy for once? There are days that I just don’t want to be around anyone. Like it would feel so wonderful if I could pause everything in my life just to get a breather. And there are days when feel light and giddy. It is those days I feel powerful and proud. Why can’t I have more of those days? What happened that made me see life so differently? If this is my effect, what was the cause?


I was talking with my boss this week about medicine. In the United States, some regions have found a way to integrate physical health care with mental health care. More visible on the east coast, a person can go see a doctor about their blood pressure. While there, the doctor may bring in a behavioral specialist to speak with the patient about some of the environmental situations that impact their mental health, in turn raising their blood pressure. The investigation of not only the physical health causes, but also incorporating the possibilities of mental health as well.

How many times have we been so stressed about home or work that our chest gets tight, or our stomachs begin to hurt? Who has ever experienced a broken bone that takes months to heal and realizes all of the activities we can no longer do, leaving us sad and maybe even depressed? And have you ever looked into some of the medicine we take regularly? How many have a disclaimer that it may cause depression or loss of energy? The correlation between mental and physical health is deep. One will cause and affect the other every time. When I was really depressed, I would stop eating. Some people go to extremes by causing physical pain on their bodies.

Environmental Cause

Ever walk into a plain white room? There is no décor or even furniture. Nothing to sit on or do in this room. Very boring and plain. What about living in an environment that rains nearly all 365 days of the year? You get no sunshine and no time to sit outside to relax in the breeze. The environment is another cause factor that can affect your mental health. Not just the weather, but also who is around you. Do you live in a home that has someone being abusive to others? Or do you have a home to call your own?

The space around you is special to you. Your environment moves with you at all times. Changes to this space impact your mental health. Your space should be comfortable and safe. If you don’t have one right now, find one. A place that is your happy space. Somewhere that allows you the element of peace you deserve.


Trauma is a major factor in the cause of most mental health issues. Natural disasters, war, grief, and survival of a life changing event. These causes impact a person’s mental health permanently. PTSD is more common than many talk about. Our military suffer from PTSD through the actions they experience and also the length of time away from family and friends. Unfortunately, too many that suffer from PTSD, whether military or civilian, do not find the care they need and lose their fight.

No Matter the Cause

Life alone affects our mental health. We wake up daily to take care of the family, work, go to school, then come home and repeat. No matter the cause, the effect remains. If we don’t open up, talk about what we live through, and fight for our lives, the damages become lasting. Mental health continues to fight a stigma, still today. The fear that if we identify a mental health issue, society will discard us. Unfortunately, society has not been kind to the public when it comes to being different. All this does, is suppress the need for help. Your physical health is important. So why is our mental health just as important?

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,