Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Can technology help them?

If you are in your 40’s or older, you remember a world without computers. Growing up with playing outside all of the time. Sharing one phone with your family. If you wanted talk to someone, you had to actually talk to them, or hand write a letter. It was the actions of your friends and family that proved to you their feelings for you. But this is not that world anymore. When computers and the internet were started, I don’t believe they had any idea as to how much they changed the world. Because now the younger generations are suffering from mental health disabilities at an alarming rate. And as a mother to a young child, I have to ask, “can something be done about this?”

The Social Dilemma

I was talking to a coworker today about mental health. He was telling me about a documentary he saw on Netflix called “Social Dilemma.” This is a movie a friend had also recommended to me last year. It is about how social media has played a very distinguished role in mental health for the younger generations. You see, I am considered a Gen-X. My generation came into the world right before the birth of the internet. I watched how computers started entering homes and schools. Then there were the beepers and cellular phones. Today, an object about the size of your wallet can pay bills, write letters, connect to security systems miles away, and hurt someone too deeply.

To relax, I like to watch some videos on animals, or maybe a little story from a social media content creator. But more and more of these are having to make a quick video to hopefully stop some of the nasty and bully-like comments. The problem is that the internet allows people from all over the world to say whatever they want, no matter how nice or hurtful it is, without having to face the person. They get to hide behind their screen.


Some close friends had asked me if I would ever do a podcast. And the answer is, I don’t know. Part of me would think that it would be fun. Maybe even a short little video about topics I write about here. It would be another way to get my message out and reach more people. To help someone understand that this crazy, mixed-up world, does have some positivity to it. But then, what stops me, I know the first person to say something negative to me, would hurt. It nearly destroys me when I make anyone upset. I struggle knowing that I caused someone to not like me or something I have said. So, to go online and be vulnerable to the world is very scary.

Out of Control

Unfortunately, technology is only going to get bigger. Now as AI has begun, the options to do more with less effort are getting bigger as well. Those that are in their mid-40’s and younger, are finding their lives harder to navigate. The need to interact is less. But the need to be liked is getting stronger. And the result is a pandemic of mental health disorders.

What is being done? Is there anything that can be done? The mental health disorders recorded in young adults is growing. And there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. Young girls in their teens and twenty’s are fighting against depression, anxiety, body image issues, and still carry on fighting this daily. Boys are battling the competition, always trying to stand out. Only for someone to try to knock them down without knowing who they are. As a parent, what can I do to help my child? Am I doing enough to protect them?

Moving on

This is a crazy world without all of the technology and social media. Now with the ability to hide behind a computer, the world is even scarier. Technology is now so integrated into the world. It is very difficult to hide from. But as an adult and a parent, I can learn about it. Find out what my child is doing. What programs are they on with their computer or phone? Who are they talking to online, if I even allow that at their age? I need to get more involved. I just wished that those who can make a difference in our laws would also get involved. Then maybe our children would have a chance of a happier life without all of the struggle. So be careful out there. Remember all of those that love you and are cheering you on as you navigate this crazy tech world.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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