Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 11 - 18 of 18 Articles

What it all looks like

They are laughing, smiling, dancing around, but did you know they are fighting depression? Maybe they are sitting in the corner, quiet and reserved. Are you aware they are fighting anxiety? Mental health has a stigma in the world that a depressed person is always withdrawn and sad. That a person who has anxiety is always nervous and fidgety. We don’t always look and act like that. I look happy Over the last few weeks, I have laughed with friends and sang my heart out to rock music. I enjoyed some time with my friends and neighbors at a barbeque …

My brain won’t let me.

I was talking to my son a few days ago about how I wish he would listen to me better. Like when I tell him to do something, it is usually because it is teaching him something, keeping him safe, or guiding him to be respectful. I explained to him that lately it seemed he was more interested in doing what he wanted and would try to find a way to get what he wants done with or without doing what I asked. His response…”Mom, I’m trying to do what you say. But my brain won’t let me. It is …


It is May again. Mental Health Awareness month. More and more ads are coming out about mental health. To make aware of those who suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and so much more. In my honest opinion, we should be aware of this all year long. Growing up, we didn’t hear about depression and anxiety. Schools didn’t talk about it in health class. So why are we so focused on it now? WHY IS MENTAL HEALTH SO IMPORTANT Let me ask you this question, when you are sick with a cold or the flu, do you feel happy? How about …

Does your anxiety control you?

I just got back from a recent trip to visit family in California and Idaho for the holiday. During this trip, I found myself consciously avoiding certain areas of my life due to my anxieties. One of the bigger ones that I fight is my need to have control of everything around me. What do I mean? I had to have my sister-in-law and niece take me to the airport in California to return home and as she drove, my fear built up because I did not have control of the vehicle. The constant need to hold my breath, close …

Look how inspiration surrounds us

Since I started on this path about mental health, everywhere I turn I find inspiration. I go into Facebook, and I have post after post of quotes, tools to help sufferers battle anxiety, and companies reaching out to support anyone who needs it. Then I go to Instagram and TikTok, finding more quotes, videos, and complete strangers telling me that I am not alone in this world. Driving to work each morning, I have the radio up loud, singing to the song on my Pandora stations. Sitting back and really listening to the lyrics to my favorite bands, expressing their …

Reflection on mental health in a year

I can’t believe that I am coming up to my 1-year anniversary of writing this blog on mental health. It was this time last year I was taking the steps to create this site. I know I do not have many followers right now, but that is okay. Because I have followers. I have people around the world that take a minute to visit my site, read my stories, share my thoughts. That alone, is amazing. The Why About Mental Health I have been asked why I focus on mental health so much and how did I get started in …

What is your life role in the story?

When we are going through life, turning the pages in our stories, every person we meet is a character. That character adds shape to our story. When we think about our own mental health chapter in our stories, we need to not only think about ourselves, but all of those characters in our story. Characterizing As we focus on our health, we need to look at the people in our lives to determine their role. In my life story, I have people that are clearly in the supporting role and people that are in the story as more static roles. …

Being mentally aware of you

May is Mental Health Awareness month. It should not only be one month that we focus on the mental health of ourselves and those we love. Mental Health is a daily lifestyle and should be considered and acknowledged every day. To be aware of yourself and your thoughts. What about you? When was the last time you took a minute to sit back and consider yourself and your surroundings? Is it difficult to find enjoyment in some of the smaller things in life? Are your days bright and sunny or gloomy and gray? When you are in a room full …