Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Hiding in a Box of Emotions

I was talking with my friends lately about how they handle situations in their life. I was wondering because they seem to be so calm even when they are frustrated or faced with questions. How do you get through each day when you are faced with so much? Struggles and irritations at work wear you down. Maybe home life is not as perfect as you want it to be. If you are like me and start to feel like taking a break from life, how do you get through the day? What keeps you moving forward? Do you box it all up or let it go?


I have a friend that was telling me how they are able to compartmentalize their life. A way to shut down thoughts and worries about areas of their life they have no control over. And for some, a way to focus on issues at hand and not everything at once. Oh, how I wish I could do that. It is not that they don’t think about it or worry. But these people are able to direct their attention to other matters, ones that they feel are more important at that time.

How nice it would be to not think about or worry about everything. But I feel there would be an issue with this. One that I am starting to discover too. If you put all of your thoughts and feelings away in boxes, how can you appreciate anything? I mean, how do you resolve your problems if you don’t focus on them? And would it not be really easy to hide away from fixing or facing these problems, if they are always tucked away in a box?

Hiding from the box

Recently, I noticed that I was falling into a similar situation. I turned my focus to my work. New job, new responsibilities. I want to show that I can handle the situations they give me. My attention was on one part of my life. But just the other day, I was driving to work, and I find myself stoic with a sense of being on autopilot. Thoughts and feelings were tucked away in a box about everything in my life that I almost didn’t know how to feel.

Changing a person’s life is no easy task. We fight mentally, physically, and emotionally every step of the way. So many times, we just don’t know what to do, think, or feel. And other times, it is just too much. Finding a balance is not easy, with so little of us able to accomplish. Putting our feelings and thoughts in a box is just too difficult for us to handle.

Breaking the box open

When I started my journey about 3 years ago, I kept all of my emotions tucked away. All of my wants and dreams hidden from the world. I had put everything about me into that box that I lost the connection. When that box broke open, I couldn’t control it. The emotions had overwhelmed me. The thoughts absorbed my every minute. I had so much I almost didn’t know how to control it. And the overthinking was wild. Like worried someone didn’t like me only because I didn’t walk to them for one day. Thinking about where they were at their house and what they might have been doing.

Life gives us enough to think about. How we handle each day depends only on us. Are you someone that holds all of the feelings and thoughts inside? Or are you someone that can focus on one thing at a time? I tend to struggle with sitting in my feelings or shutting down and hiding everything away. My wish for all of you, is that if you find yourself stuck in your emotions or hiding from them, that you have someone special to keep you moving forward. To have that support from family, friends, someone special in your life is vital. Keep moving forward my friends.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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