Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

It is a Symptom of Being Human

I have been reminiscing lately about my life. Thinking about everything I have experienced and how it has shaped my life as it is today. My son was having an emotional episode lately and asked me “Mom, why am I here?” and “Why am I the way I am?” These questions are not easy to answer. Because there are so many ways to answer them. But it was these questions that made me think. I have been trying for so long to figure out my place in this world. To understand why I was in this world. How do I feel special if I don’t know what makes a special human being?

Uniquely Similar

We all are unique in our personalities, style, and thinking. But we are so similar that we breathe the same air, bleed, and feel. Celebrities are no more special than you and I are. The difference is, they can become a character better than us. Or play a sport or perform an act better than other people. But these same people have the same feelings we do. They get depressed and anxious as we do. (Backstage) How many times have we read about another actor, musician, or celebrity that we lost well before their time?

Each one of us is special. There is something that we have within ourselves that someone else wishes they did. Or that someone finds attractive. It took me over 40 years to realize that being me was what made me special. I have had many people tell me that I am very patient. My son will hold my hand just to pull from my calmness to ease his own mind. There are some that have told me I am a saint. I have struggled for so long, thinking I was ugly and useless. Only to finally realize that I am loved. I bring peace to many by just being with them.

Not so Special

I bet if you were to turn on the news, there would be at least one story about someone that said or done something crazy just to get attention. In the United States, we hear too many times of someone in a car chase or see a person acting funny on TV just to get their “15 minutes of fame.” While teenagers are going through each day wondering if they are popular enough to be noticed by the “cool kids”. Every time we turn around, the acts by some are getting stranger and even deadlier.

This doesn’t make a person special. When I started my new job 3 months ago, they didn’t know how I was. I was not special to them at that moment. But by the time I left the interview, I was special enough to them to realize that I was someone they would want to hire. Doing silly things and talking bad about people does not make a person special. In my honest opinion, I avoid those people. To me, someone is special by how they treat others. By how they treat me. And especially, by just being here.

The Answer

About 3 years ago, I was at rock bottom in my life. So many times, thinking that I was nothing and would have no issues with disappearing. I would tell my friends that I don’t know how to feel better. Even asked them why do I feel this way? It wasn’t until I studied more into mental health that I realized the answer. It was…me. Confused? I was at first. I discovered I was more powerful than I thought.

When I really took the time to look back into my life, my actions, my feelings, everything was my choice. I remember the day I broke free from my high school depression. I chose to stop feeling sorry for myself and chose happiness. My days felt brighter. When I am faced with frustrating days, it is my choice on how I will allow it to impact my life. My choice to decide if I dwell on something I cannot control or allow it to be what it is and deal with today.


We face life and all of their challenges daily. Whether you have millions of dollars or only ten. Each one of us fights against negativity, pressure, and stress. And even with all of that, each one of us is special. Bringing a gift to the world and to others around us. It can be knowledge, laughter, peace, or admiration. But ultimately, you and I have the power to do great things. Because it is our own personal power to be whoever we wish to be. You want to be happy, only you can choose to be. No one can make you feel. So, fight for you. We need more special people choosing happiness in this world.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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