Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Do you know what you have to let go

I mentioned last week that I was blessed with getting a new job. After two years of searching, trying to figure out what I wanted and what I was good at. I finally said goodbye to my former employer and hello to a new adventure. It has been an eye-opening week too. Because I couldn’t help comparing my last company to this one. And that was when I realized what I had finally let go of.

Let it be gone

I am sure you have heard the phrase, “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” This is true. But not just for those missing out on the good things in life. I didn’t realize how heavy the stress was that I held onto. How toxic the work environment was, until I let it go. It wasn’t until it was gone that I understood. When I felt lighter, happier, and calmer knowing I no longer had to endure that burden.

This was easy for me to let go. For so many people, the burden and stress are more personal. Maybe it is a trauma event or even a person that weighs so heavily on life. To let it go takes much more courage and strength that some of us just don’t have yet. When you are deep inside a toxic situation, it is very difficult to see what life could be like away from it. Almost as if this is their new reality. (Stockholm Syndrome)

Knowing when

The problem many face when engulfed in a trauma event or a toxic lifestyle is that the longer we endure it, the harder it will be to walk away. To survive requires an adjustment of how we look at the world. A way to cope with what is in front of us so that we can live another day. Until it becomes a way of life. At that time, it is almost impossible to break free. Almost, because now everything about us is intertwined with the negative. We begin to see that we are not strong enough to break free.

To let go can also be scary for some people. Seeing a life completely different than what they have lived for so long is hard to imagine. When you find yourself having to stop relying on another to get through life and it is all on you. But again, this is not impossible. Letting go is something we should all do at times in our lives. Especially if hanging on is hurting us more.

How to let go

Here is another example of needing to let go. I know many people that have experienced trauma or hardship early in their lives. Remembering how loved ones and close friends would treat them as they were younger. By holding onto childhood memories into adulthood, only makes it harder to accept other people now. Letting go of hurt, trauma, and stress will only make your life that much better.

Letting go is not easy. Whether it is leaving a toxic job environment, a bad relationship, or childhood memories, releasing the stress will make you lighter. If you don’t feel strong enough now, keep trying. Keep pushing yourself, because you may not realize how nice it will be until you do let go.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,