Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

It Is The Black Hole of Addictions

It is in the need. The intense drive for more. The desperation of getting away. The thought that this will take all of the stress away. How easy it is for any one person to fall into an addiction. How many times have you heard a friend or coworker make the comment, “I am going to need a drink to get over today.” It was recently that I realized how much I was saying that. How I was starting to think that having a glass of wine, or glass of my favorite vodka would make me feel better. So easy to fall in and yet so hard to get out of.

Addiction Quote

The need

Addiction is that strong physical or psychological urge to have, do, or use something as an escape. (Addiction) Like you are chasing after this feeling. You get so close, maybe even get the chance to feel good or content for a while. But it never seems to last long enough, so you need more. And as you are chasing this sensation, the world around you are getting less and less of you. Your family is feeling neglected. Work starts to suffer. And even your own health is damaged.

Types of addiction

Drugs and alcohol are not the only things you can be addicted to. Food and gambling are other more common addictions. However, the less known addictions include shopping, computers, and work. Actually, just about anything can become an addiction. Because addiction is a need. It is an uncontrollable urge. The “must or I will not survive” feeling.

Many people exercise for their health benefit. Some use exercise as a way to release the stress from the day. But you can be addicted to exercise if you suddenly feel that your day, your week, your world will not survive unless you exercise. Have you ever said something like, “my day will be ruined if I don’t get to the gym today”?


Addictions can be caused by so many factors. Traumatic events that can easily bring levels of PTSD can find many people turning to outlets for a way to escape the memories. Only to find themselves trapped in an addiction. High levels of stress can turn several people to substances as a way to relax and calm down. However, another important factor is one’s own self-worth. For someone that struggles with believing in themselves, it is very easy to become addicted to food, exercise, clothing, to levels that can find detrimental outcomes. A teenager that suffers from believing they are pretty enough can turn to binge eating, only buying certain brands of clothes, and extreme exercise trying to fit in with others. They will probably find eating disorders, financial ruin, and unhealthy habits that can land them in the hospital.

The danger

Addictions are dangerous. They can destroy lives. Ruin relationships very quickly. It is very easy to find yourself trapped in an addiction. The hardest part is acknowledging and getting help. I was finding myself looking for a drink just about every day. The stress I was under (and still am) is hard to manage most days. I knew that a glass of wine would relax me for a little while. But I also knew that lately, one glass wasn’t always enough. Because when the glass was empty, I was still stressed out. I didn’t want a quick fix. I wanted my stress to go away. And I knew that was not going to happen anytime soon, so I had to find a different way to work through my day.


I have a great group of friends in my support group. Some that have fought addiction and won. Others that have family or friends that were not so lucky. It is these people that have shown me that I have other paths in my life. They are willing to stand beside me to give me strength, stand behind me to make sure I don’t fall, and stand in front to guide me right. I fight every day of my life, pressure that tries to push me down. Every day I am tested. And with the help of my support, and my dad (RIP), I will make it out of every test, standing. Because I promised my dad that I would not lose myself. Not now, and not for anyone.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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