Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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It Is The Black Hole of Addictions

It is in the need. The intense drive for more. The desperation of getting away. The thought that this will take all of the stress away. How easy it is for any one person to fall into an addiction. How many times have you heard a friend or coworker make the comment, “I am going to need a drink to get over today.” It was recently that I realized how much I was saying that. How I was starting to think that having a glass of wine, or glass of my favorite vodka would make me feel better. So easy …

Have you ever been addicted?

You hear someone say the word “Addiction” and what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Drugs, alcohol, or gambling? Probably. I bet some of you never thought about food, sex, intimacy, exercise, working, the internet, and so much more.  Addiction is commonly described in the 4 C’s: Compulsion, Cravings, Consequences, and Control. Are you compelled to do this, to have this? Do you crave it? Is the consequence of you having/doing this a positive or negative? Can you control your desire for this? So, I have to ask, have you ever been addicted? I have…and I am. …