Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

What are your New Year’s Inspirations

It is the new year, a chance to re-evaluate things in your life. Maybe set some goals in your personal life, romantic life (or lack of), and for some a chance to try to be better. But instead of the resolutions that we all make and tend to break within the first 24 hours, maybe we should call them inspirations. To inspire to be better. Inspire a personal life full of happiness. Or inspire to work on having and improving your romantic life.

Inspire for Health

For so many years prior, when I was heavier in weight, I would always create a resolution to lose weight. Constantly pushing myself to try new programs, trends, and aimlessly cutting foods out. Now, I want to inspire to focus on how I eat and what I am eating. I may have lost over 100 pounds from my weight loss surgery, but I still hold much of my pregnancy weight from 7 years ago. By changing how I am looking at an element of my life I am not happy with, I can guide myself to a healthier me. Instead of forcing my mind and body to drastically change one way or another.

All about the mindset

I have been seeing many posts on social media that make so much sense to me know. To change is not only biological, it is more psychological. The way we think has such an impact on our body, emotions, and, of course, our mental state, that we forget to use it. Not only that, but we are also not using it right. Sure, it is easy to say, “I need to stay away from candies and sugar treats.” But it is the “why” that our minds focus on.

The way we think

For example, you want to start saving money this year. You are usually one that as soon as you get paid, you are online shopping for the next best thing. But this year, you want to save money. Sounds like a good plan. You start researching ways, talk to friends and family, and open another bank account to put your savings into. Everything is sounding good so far. Until the first paycheck comes in for the year and you see a new kitchen gadget that the ad claims will save you money on groceries. Then there are the new clothes you “just have to have,” and so on. Before you know it, there is only $100 left until your next check and you have not put gas in your car yet.

Change in thought

Let’s look at that a different way. You want to start saving money this year. Great, but why? Are you wanting to save for a trip? Maybe you want to save for the next holiday gifts. Or you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck and want to feel better with an emergency fund to fall on in case of losing a job or having to move. All fantastic reasons. And it is those reasons that are already guiding your mind away from online shopping. Because now, when you see that kitchen gadget, your mind will immediately remember the reason you wanted to save in the first place.

Focus on the why

How about back to the improving on health. Losing weight is a good ultimate goal. But it is too vague. Why do you want to lose weight? Is there a disorder issue or a physical issue you are trying to resolve or avoid? Maybe because you just feel like you would emotionally feel better about yourself if you lost a few pounds. One answer that is definitely NOT a good reason, you want to lose weight so that people will like you. (That will be a subject discussed later.) When the reason is identified, it will be easier for your mind to remember as you come face to face with the chocolate cake or the berry tart, looking so delicious.

Inspire to think

Taking the time to change the way we think will improve the chance to make any changes we want in our lives. To inspire to be healthier so that I can play with my son more. Inspire to focus on myself for a period of time each week, so that I can improve my mental health and look to life with a happier outlook. I want to inspire to reach out to my loved ones a little more often so that they know I am still here, thinking about them. Loving them and that I am here for them if they ever need someone to lean on.

The new year has started. Each day will bring us challenges, drama, and emotions of sadness and hurt. But holding onto our inspirations can also give us the strength we need to overcome every single one. So, what are your inspirations for this year?

With great warmth,