Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 21 - 30 of 51 Articles

The Triggers of the Mind

You are going about your day. It is even becoming one of the better days you’ve had in a while. When suddenly your mind fills with negative thoughts. This happened to me recently. Triggers can come in various forms. Sounds, conversations, certain words, smells, anything that you can absorb through your senses can trigger your mind. Many times, these triggers can remind you of positive experiences. Maybe remembering a loved one that passed away. But it is the triggers that result in negative thoughts that can be dangerous. Because in this case, it becomes a trauma response that ultimately can …

Survival Scars Are Not Always Visible

When I first started this journey into mental health, I never expected to learn so much about myself. I have spent close to 40 years battling depression, bullying, anxiety and so much more. I always knew mental health impacted physical health and vice versa. But I never imagined that living with trauma, abuse, disorders, and going for so long without getting help can impact my life. Emotional trauma effects your brain in a way that you don’t realize until it is almost too late. PTSD Emotional trauma can come from anywhere. Most find PTSD the relation of emotional trauma. Finding …

Hey kids! Surprise! Parents are not superheroes!

They are small little things. Watching your every move. Picking up on your every word. Even seeing how you react. These little creatures are our pride and joy. Giving us hugs and kisses. Filled with those big soulful eyes that we melt to. We provide for them. Make sure they are clean, have food, happy, and always learning. But we forget that one piece. Those little eyes and ears see everything. You have a bad day at work, they feel your frustration. Breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they see the tears. They even hear the late-night crying. Picking up …

Impacts mental health has on the body…and the furniture.

Every day someone is trying to make it through the day. Yesterday someone was crying over being mistreated. Today someone is wondering if their family really loves them. Last week someone had an emotional breakdown from pent up stress. There are people in this world that struggle daily with emotional abuse, depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Loved ones that say they are fine, but really are not. Friends and coworkers who hide behind a smile just so they don’t bring attention to their pain. As if it is unacceptable to talk about being sad. So instead, we hide it. That is …

When needing so little means so much

Tired from running around after the kids. Exhausted from the constant demand and questions at work. Drained from the push to do more, be more, show more. Suddenly, the time comes. The desire to step away. Hit the pause button for a little while. Go off grid for some time. Just some peace and quiet to calm the racket in your head. Having the need to break away from the constant can mean so much. Robotic We have all been there. The days are beginning to blend together. The stress of life is so much that we forget what happened …

How strong is your support system?

It can be fascinating to listen to my various friends and family that I reach out to, in their words of wisdom and empathy as they hear about my struggles. Interesting because each one of them is different than the other. The message may be the same, but the approach and tone is very different. This is why a strong support system needs to consist of various people, various outlets, and a variety of personalities. Because a strong support system will get you through all obstacles in your way. Types of Support As many of us do, part of my …

Emotional intelligence will provide the way through

This week has been filled with laughter, enlightenment, and stress. Celebrating with coworkers for the holidays, planning my travel to see family soon, and a class at work that struck a chord in me. As I have told my coworkers this week, we all leave fingerprints on the lives we interact with. And this week, those fingerprints mean so much more. Intelligence at work The week started off with a class at work about emotional intelligence. Now, this was focused heavier in the workplace, but there were several points that I couldn’t help but reflect in my personal life too. …

Carry your legacy through footprints of life

The year is getting closer to closing out. A few years ago, I decided to start work on myself and my mental health. This year has come with some of my greatest challenges and struggles with a few accomplishments tossed in. The weight of the world kept rushing in to try to stop me. But each day I still got out of bed. I went into work. Finished my schoolwork. And then continued to take care of my family. So many friends and family telling me about how strong I was. Yet, constantly feeling weak. What do I want to …

Sometimes we just don’t understand

We have such a diverse society. Populations of people that live such unique lives all the while coinciding with one another. Each one can struggle, laugh, cry, love, and hate. And yet, it becomes such a mystery when a loved one begins showing signs of depression. I have conversations with friends and family so often about areas I struggle with in my life. Like right now, I have a really hard time believing I am good enough to deserve things I work for. Let me give you an example. I have my masters now in Mental Health and Wellness. I …

The Need of Boundaries in Life

Boundaries are not just something on a map. Having a balance of limitation can provide safety, comfort, and peace in a person’s life. Whether you need to set them for coworkers and bosses, friends, your children, or your significant others. Boundaries are necessary in a healthy relationship. That is as long as everyone can stick to them. Boundaries at work Boundaries at work are some of the more difficult to set and even more difficult to maintain. Workplace boundaries that show respect for your coworker’s desk or office, respect for fellow coworker’s time, and the understanding that not one person …