Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 11 - 20 of 51 Articles

Trauma can spread like glitter in life

If you have ever been near glitter, then you know that stuff gets EVERYWHERE! Little specks of light that you continue to find in the oddest locations, time and time again. People have even found the stuff, years later. I don’t know about you, but trauma kind of feels like it. How the effect of living through trauma can touch everything, multiple people, and then years later you get reminded of it. The Event A dear family friend had a family member live through a traumatic event recently. (Note: everyone is safe and okay.) When I was told about what …

The want and desire to change.

When I search for quotes for my blog, there are certain ones that seem to give me a lasting impact. Like I have shared, “One day or Day One, you decide” or “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just the first step”. But one that has been stuck with me lately is, “For things to change, you have to change.” Last week I talked about deciding this is the time to make a change. But what if you don’t see a reason to make a change, or you have a friend or family member that doesn’t want to …

Now it is Time to Take the First Step

This is a new year. A fresh start to making our lives better. Going over the past years to see what we want to accomplish and what we want to get rid of. Even a good time to look within our own lives. This is a perfect time to face those areas we try to ignore. Maybe fix some of the actions we are constantly doing, that are not working. But most importantly, a great time for something that is going to be one of the most difficult to do…take the first step in working on our mental health. To …

How can we balance our life

In one of my “life” conversations I was having with my son, he had asked me, “how do you show someone you love them?” I told him, “There are different ways to show you love someone. But the best way is to learn about the other person. Find out the good things about them and also see what they are struggling with. Some people do like gifts. Others like to have things done for them.” Now, just so you know, he wanted to see how to show love for me. But it did get me thinking. I am on this …

The first step is wanting help

Every day we see ads for healthier foods. Or maybe we see a new fitness facility opening down the street. There are numerous commercials for new drugs to help with ailments. But we don’t see very many ads or programs about depression. What about abuse, anxiety, and PTSD? Too many people are struggling against mental illness, not knowing how to get help. And on top of all of this, our kids are going through school having to fight against profiling, bullying, discrimination, and school violence. Is there anything that can help us get through? Ignoring the problem Mental health continues …

We are much more than Mars and Venus

Everyone deals with some form of mental health in their life. Whether you are healing from a childhood trauma, experienced a life-altering event and now working through PTSD, or your everyday life has become so stressful that you are working through burnout. Every person processes their mental health differently. There is no bigger difference than how men process their stress and mental wellbeing than a woman does. And if you have read the book by John Gray, Ph.D., “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” you will understand that it is not just one or the other anymore. Men …

Are you willing to go the distance for yourself

I have discovered something about myself and others as I have walked through this latest journey. About 5 years ago, I walked around admitting to myself that I was placed on this earth only to care for others. Only to bring them happiness and have their needs met. I looked upon my life from childhood to adulthood, wondering if this was truly my purpose in life. That was the case until I chose to focus on me. I chose to go the distance for myself. Are you? As Kids As we all grow up, there are times when we are …

They are not all Bad Days

I had an incident at the office today that made me think more about myself and others. This morning I came up to my security officer watching him ask some contractors to move their vehicles and park where they were supposed to. But one of the contractors immediately gave him attitude. When I walked over to him, I was met with the same hostile attitude. This was first thing in the morning as I had just arrived at the office. When I had a chance to think about what had happened, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what could have …

This is such a strange feeling

I have been battling and running through several ideas to determine what I was going to write about this week. I was struggling to find a topic. Even asked my husband and my friends. Then two of them said, just write about how you are feeling. Well, I am going through a strange feeling right now, so why not. Because right now, I feel content. And I don’t know what to do with it. Why so strange Yes, today I am in a good mood. I have had to deal with a lot of stress at work and will be …

Why You Need To Find Your Own Way Out

Ever have one of those days where you feel like hiding away? Nothing seems to be going right. It feels as if everyone is always needing you. Like the world is swarming around you. I know I have. Lately, it feels like I am drowning in the middle of the ocean and there is not one single person around to help. Trying to find a job and a career path that I enjoy, family life, and my own personal struggle, is gaining on me and I cannot find a way out. A regular day When you have a young child …