Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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Different ways to grieve

As we all get older, we will experience life and death. Watching family and friends having babies, bringing in new life into this crazy world. But unfortunately, we will also experience the loss of life too. Losing loved ones to disease, disaster, crime, and natural causes. Every experience has a chance to teach us more about our life. However, it can also show us how we should live our life. Grieving the loss of family and friends is natural. And everyone grieves differently. There is no right or wrong way. Choices Recently, we found ourselves making the hard choice of …

Never easy to understand grief

I came across an article from PsychCentral that was titled “9 Different Types of Grief”. I had not even read the article, and the title alone opened a flood of emotions. Grief is something we all go through many times in our lives. But do we really understand grief and how we are able to cope through it? Honestly, I thought I did. Until last year. When I was made aware of grief I had not even considered. Defining Grief When you hear the word “grief”, many think of the loss of a loved one. Whether family or friend. That …

How to talk to someone

We all have those times when a friend has just gone through a hard time in life. You stand there wanting to comfort them. But you don’t know quite what to say. You want to show you care. But you don’t want to be the one to bring up a bad time for them. It just seems like there is so much said and so much not to say. To say or not to say I talked about how I had recently lost my dad to cancer and when I returned home and to work, I could tell how so …

Just Beginning My New Chapter in Life

It only takes a second to change your life. The end of a relationship. Loss of a loved one. The departure of a special friend. This person, that has spent time in your life to help you, love you, grow with you is no longer in your life. Through some time to process the loss, when the sun comes up that next day, how will you view the next phase of your life? Hopefully, as the beginning of a new chapter. Time stops for nothing Every night, the moon will rise, even if we do not see it. And every …

Coping with Grief in Your Life

That intense feeling you have from the loss of something special or that that one person that meant the world to you that is now missing from your life, that is grief. What is grief? Grief is an emotion we all experience. What is different, is how we cope with grief. Emotions of Grief The last few days have been a myriad of emotions for me. Beginning with the anxiety I experienced while driving from Arizona to California. Because the cusp of all my emotions came forward this past Saturday, when my Dad had passed away. The opportunity to have …