Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

Respect is not as easy as it looks

My son just asked me what mental health is and why is it so important. This question got me thinking. Many of us are moving through each day just surviving. Get up, take care of the family, go to work, only to come home and take care of the family until it is time for bed. We push ourselves to care about everyone else in our lives, that we are not leaving much time for us. I was recently reminded that my mental health is very important and taking time away from work is necessary. So why is it so …

They are not all Bad Days

I had an incident at the office today that made me think more about myself and others. This morning I came up to my security officer watching him ask some contractors to move their vehicles and park where they were supposed to. But one of the contractors immediately gave him attitude. When I walked over to him, I was met with the same hostile attitude. This was first thing in the morning as I had just arrived at the office. When I had a chance to think about what had happened, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what could have …

Do you get tired of being strong?

Well today is a difficult day for me. It was nothing in particular that caused the rough day. I want to let you know all of what I went through today in hopes that someone reading this will realize that they are not alone. Plus, I know of a few people that struggle with understanding what some people experience. It is hard for outsiders to understand the mental battles we go through every hour. How easy it is for us to be able to be laughing one moment and screaming and crying the next. This is my story of today. …