Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.


I have been watching my friends lately with the consistent activities with the kids, working during the day, and socializing at night. I have friends that are working day and night to get things done on time. Since when does working harder and longer mean you are successful? Especially if you don’t give yourself time to shut down? Are you lighting the way to success or just burning yourself out?

Daily Push

I go to work every day, Monday through Friday. Then there are times that I work from home and in the evenings. I might get requests or situations that have me working on the weekends. I take care of my family at home. I am always there for my friends. When was the last time I took care of me?

Burnout Stats

Burnout is becoming more frequent and more dangerous than people realize. There are so many studies out there that talk about how job burnout is hitting increasing numbers. Too many companies are pushing their employees to levels their bodies and minds are not capable of handling. I had one person tell me that they were called out by their employer because they were meeting with their own staff “too much”. You are to come into the office, work diligently, and even when you go home, be accessible.

Today, many employees have families already established or are beginning to grow their family. So, there are many of us that work all day at the office (or at home) and work even more when we get home. Then there are many of us that are still single, and we are also expected to work all day, and work at home, leaving no time to be ourselves. How are we to balance a work-life and home-life when everyone keeps trying to tip the scales?

For Who

The constant push to do more, learn more, be present more is reaching levels of danger. This is probably why we are seeing videos and social media talking about quiet quitting. The movement limiting how much work and effort you provide based on the compensation received from the employer. I must admit that I agree AND disagree with this. I agree that we as employees need to set certain boundaries within our lives. Boundaries at home and at work to maintain a healthy mental wellbeing. I disagree with how the limitation is based.

It is all about respect

My work ethic is a dedication to those I respect. I was raised that all people receive my respect, but it is theirs to lose. How you act will affect my respect for you. My employers automatically receive my respect for the effort and dedication they had in creating the business. But it will be how they act and show their respect for me that will impact my view. When I see executives treat men better than women, or allow extra advantages to some but not all, my respect and dedication to those executives will change.

This does go both ways. As the executives, the company, and the management staff can limit my rewards based on my performance. It is when there is an imbalance of expectation between staff and management that stress, frustration, and ultimately burnout can occur. And it is not only at work. If you have a household where one parent is always caring for others, the burnout at home is just as dangerous.


My friends and family know that I need to take time away from everything. That means I typically take a trip by myself for a few days away from work and the family. Or I will take days away from work on occasion if my husband is also out of town. Because I know I need to take some quiet time to myself. A day to shutdown the noise of my life and recenter. It is a chance to turn off my stress for some time.

If we allow work and home to dictate our time, the high levels of stress and frustration lead to a dangerous environment. Depression, anxiety, and anger affect our relationships. To be a better friend, family member, coworker, and boss, we need to take care of ourselves. Self-care is so important. No one else will do it for us. No one else will make sure it gets done. Your life depends on how you take care of yourself. My life depends on how I take care of myself. I want to be around for my son as he grows up. And a big step in self-care, is boundaries.

Please take care of yourself!

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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