Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Do as I say not as I do

I had a very nice chat with my family today. Enjoyed some lunch with my niece and had a chance to catch up in each other’s lives. But there was something she said that reminded me of something. We have all heard the phrase, “Do as I say not as I do.” I think even my parents used it on me as a child. I know I have to my son. But my niece made a comment about wondering if she should have stayed with her previous job even though it was a toxic environment for her. This reminded me …


I have been watching my friends lately with the consistent activities with the kids, working during the day, and socializing at night. I have friends that are working day and night to get things done on time. Since when does working harder and longer mean you are successful? Especially if you don’t give yourself time to shut down? Are you lighting the way to success or just burning yourself out? Daily Push I go to work every day, Monday through Friday. Then there are times that I work from home and in the evenings. I might get requests or situations …

Life at work is not all fun and games

Every day we are fighting against life. Whether there is something at home, at school, for the kids, or our parents. Add in the stress of a job and it is a wonder we are functioning at all. Many Americans spend over 8 hours a day working, while many work more than 5 days a week (US Bureau of Labor Statistics). There are 24 hours in the day. So, there is one-third of your day spent with people that, more than likely, are not related to you (some family businesses out there.) These people become like another family, another home. …

Life of a working man (woman)

There are 24 hours a day. That is 24 hours to try to fit in sleeping, eating, working, maybe school, taking care of the family, and if you can find the time, taking care of yourself. On average, reported time spent in America working is between 34-38 hours a week. I emphasized that this is what is reported through payrolls. Because if you ask some of your friends, I bet you will find some working less and some working much more. So on average we are spending over one-third of our daily lives at work. And here is the question…do …