Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Just surviving or being the survivor

It is just a mark, a symbol forcing a pause, but not an end. The semicolon, a punctuation mark that is commonly used in English grammar to indicate a pause in the sentence, a continuation to follow. Just a dot and swish has a strong presence. This mark is not just a mark to others. It is a symbol of taking a pause in life and finding the way to continue. To start anew, all the while acknowledging that the past happened and moving on. A mark of surviving. Survivor that is stronger than before.

Surviving the Good and Bad

We go through events in our lives. Good and bad, hard and easy. Taking a step in life to work our way to something better, something more. Maybe you are working hard to get through college. Or you are busting through to save enough money for a new home. You can be someone that feels the world is beating you down at every turn. Or you recently lost family, job, friends, or just feel like you lost your way.

To survive is not just about making it through a tough situation. Surviving happens every day we wake up and take a breath. It is what happens when we make the choice to keep moving. A survivor, well, that’s us. That is you and me. It is people, who pushed through those good times, bad times, stood up to the hard times, and didn’t take the easy times for granted. Survivors are not always strong and brave. We are scared and there are times when we want to quit.

The Past

I have gone through several years of bullying, years of depression, self-hate, loneliness, heart break, and the loss of family members. There have been times of good from my marriage, the birth of my son, our first home, and the chance of losing over 100 lbs. Just one person, that is all I am. Today, I still struggle to climb some mountains in my life. Days, that have proven to be good, feel too far away. I still feel that I face too many lonely days. Times that feel hard to want to keep moving. Yet, I feel like I am surviving. Just cannot call myself a survivor, not yet at least. Does it mean I am not one?

I have young family members that have gone through surgeries, depression, cyber bullying, finding out that they are also battling mental health disorders. I have other family members that battle health issues, turbulence in relationships, loss of family and friends, loss of jobs. Today, these people wake up and continue pushing through, living their lives the best way they know how. I would call them each a survivor. Do they see themselves as just surviving?

And the road ahead

You remember when I talked about my favorite quote “One Day or Day One? You Decide.” To survive in the world, all you need is to decide if you want something bad enough. You will hit hard times. There will be good times. Strength, just know there will be times when your strength is tested. But know you are not alone. Your strength also shines when you accept that you need help.

The Survivor

You wake up, cringe knowing that the day may bring hardship and battles you just wish would go away. I am here, right now in this very minute, telling you that YES! YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! Because, honestly, a true survivor knows that although we feel like the world is beating us down right now, we will not give up. A survivor sees every day as their next day one. Even today, I am going to take that breath and I may be going through the motions right now, but I am not stopping.

We Survive Today

To be a survivor, you need to go through surviving. Taking those steps one at a time. Breathing in each day. Will you always accomplish what you want, no. That’s also okay. You survived trying. So, take that breath and that next step. I am one of many friends here to help you along the way. To guide you in being that survivor we all know you are.

(Dedicated to my dad. You are my greatest survivor.)

With great warmth,

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