Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 21 - 25 of 25 Articles

Action steps for a better mental health

Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder Suicidal Thoughts Panic Attacks This is just a sample of a much larger group of disorders and conditions of mental health. The most important is awareness. As you know May is Mental Health Awareness month. A time to learn and understand about what you and your loved ones are going through on a daily basis. Time to acknowledge that you are not alone. Action Day Recently, MTV and Viacom have partnered, here in the US, with over 900 companies and organizations to start the first ever annual Mental Health Action Day. This year, in 2021, The …

What are some of your fears?

Just last weekend when my son asked me, “Mommy, what are you afraid of?” When he turned around and asked, “Daddy, what are you afraid of?” My husband, without batting an eye, replied. The only thing he said, “Losing you.” That was it. Nothing more and nothing less. I believe him too. I see how sensitive he is especially when he sees videos or movies with children getting hurt or needing to be saved. Notice how I haven’t told you MY answer yet? There is a reason. When my son asked me that question, immediately a list rolled through my …


It feels like a dirty word sometimes. Change. One single word with such a powerful meaning that gives everyone such stress. “To change, or not to change. That is the question!” Last week in my post Want to Take a Drive Through Change I talked about making a change in my life as I realized that I was not as happy as I wanted to be. There was an underlying message, though. No change comes without a choice. Even not changing is a choice. No change will occur unless you, and only you choose to want a change. “I should …

Another roller coaster year comes to an end.

Goodbye 2020. This is it. The very last day of this roller coaster of a year, 2020. In moments, the clock will click down and the fireworks will fly. Many of us will celebrate that this year has finally ended and hopefully the new year of 2021 will bring us some new hope. Others will stay comfortable at home with a blanket and some movies. Another simple night to say goodbye to one year and wake up to another. Describing 2020 This year can be described in so many ways. What 2020 has shown us was happiness, tears, too much …

A Tail of Stress and Anxiety

Such a Long Day You walk in the door from a long day at work, school, just life in general. There they are. So happy to see you every time. Those big brown eyes staring right at you. Just like that, your day stress begins to melt away. Such a powerful feeling, an unconditional love just for you. No other reason. Only that you are the one to walk through that door. Animals have a gift that even the smartest human doesn’t fully understand. A gift to know that a simple brush of fur, a purr at the right time, …