Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

The power of Emotions: Healer or destroyer of our mind

Ever have one of those days that you just want to scream or throw something? Everyone has stress. We all experience stressful days. Some of us have techniques to manage our daily stress and there are some of us that hold it all in. Either way, all the stress and emotions we feel throughout the day builds up within us. Substantial energy, both good and bad, sits inside until we find a way to release it. It is how we use those emotions, that energy within our minds that can heal us or destroy us. Power of the mind I …

Do you know what it is like?

I wanted to give you another glimpse of what it is like to be me. Well, to help some of you try to understand what we go through when we are trying to heal. There are some people I do not share my troubles with, because I know I will get something like, “well you just need to do this” or “why did you do that?” Being someone that has depression, anxiety, PTSD, and is actively trying to heal from everything I have and am going through, it is definitely much easier ‘said than done’. Want to know what it …

Making it through the thick of the branches

There are so many of us that have experienced traumatic events in our lives. Some of these things happen quickly, while others occur over long periods of time. Eventually we get to a point (I hope) where we are ready to get help. That we are tired of how we are living, and we want to be happy again. We will seek out professional help or maybe reach out to our friends and family. No matter how, we start to work on ourselves. But too many of us forget, no matter what happened or how long it was, healing is …