Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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The first step is wanting help

Every day we see ads for healthier foods. Or maybe we see a new fitness facility opening down the street. There are numerous commercials for new drugs to help with ailments. But we don’t see very many ads or programs about depression. What about abuse, anxiety, and PTSD? Too many people are struggling against mental illness, not knowing how to get help. And on top of all of this, our kids are going through school having to fight against profiling, bullying, discrimination, and school violence. Is there anything that can help us get through? Ignoring the problem Mental health continues …

How music influences our life

My friends know that I am always there for them. You need me, I will drop everything and offer my full attention to you. When I do not hear from someone in a little while, I have been known to send a quick message. “Hey. Just checking in.” That is all I need to say. So, when I checked in with a friend, they returned the usual, “I’m fine.” Until a few hours later I got the true answer. This friend had been going through quite a bit in their personal life. But it was when they told me, they …

Getting tired of being tired

Is it me, or does it feel like suddenly life became the Energizer Bunny and has not stopped trying to make each day harder? There are days when it feels as if nothing seems to go right. Every now and then you get a glimpse of something good, only to be faced with more hurdles in front of you. It is overwhelming. Completely exhausting. To be tested through every second of the day, week, and even month, just to try and make some headway. I get so tired of being tired. Warriors As I have been writing this blog I …

What it all looks like

They are laughing, smiling, dancing around, but did you know they are fighting depression? Maybe they are sitting in the corner, quiet and reserved. Are you aware they are fighting anxiety? Mental health has a stigma in the world that a depressed person is always withdrawn and sad. That a person who has anxiety is always nervous and fidgety. We don’t always look and act like that. I look happy Over the last few weeks, I have laughed with friends and sang my heart out to rock music. I enjoyed some time with my friends and neighbors at a barbeque …

Can you speak through music

Do you have a friend or loved one that is shutting down from the world, starting to show signs of depression? When you ask them if there is anything wrong or if they are okay, you barely get any answer or just, “I’m fine”? Almost like there are too many emotions running through that they begin to get numb to the outside world. You want to help them, but don’t know where to start. Because you know and can plainly see, they are definitely not fine. Use Music Here is a suggestion, use music. Think about it. How many times …