Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Am I really happy with my life?

In my classes for my masters, we briefly talked about the 8 Dimensions of Wellness that covered the financial, emotional, environmental, physical, occupational, spiritual, intellectual, and social elements in our lives that we can improve or define to balance our personal wellness. I spoke about these dimensions in previous posts. But my professor asked about another one that is similar that broke it out into 10 areas instead of 8. Each area was a part of life. Each small step of life that leads to a happier wellbeing. Thinking about life This got me to thinking. Am I really happy …

Finding Enrichment in a Healthy Well-Being

You are sitting there at your desk working away. Before you know it, the clock chimes and it is time to go home. Walking out of the office, you begin to feel like you spent the whole day doing things, but deep-down feeling like nothing got done. Sound familiar? How many days have you been having lately like that? Or how about those days that you get home, and you are so tired and frazzled, you question why you still work there? Occupational Enrichment The Occupational dimension is all about personal satisfaction and enrichment you feel in your work. Sure, …

Learning more about wellness

Having some sort of balance in your life can help calm some of the chaos in your mind. Since looking at the emotions and environment last week, let’s turn our focus on another dimension…Intellectual. School Learning I admit, growing up I struggled through school. Going through stressful times throughout childhood can do that. I was bullied from 2nd grade and continued getting teased until I hit high school. Then fell into a depression for 6 years. My academic focus was pretty much non-existent at that time. I would bring home grades barely making C’s and B’s. I found no area …

A Closer Look into Dimensions of Wellness

Mental Health Awareness month is coming to an end and I wanted to take a minute to focus on our overall wellness. These last few years have taken a toll on our emotions, our body and our minds. The added stress and strain of an uncontrolled virus and the worry of “what if” as we tried to learn how to avoid and still be able to live our lives. This pandemic has resulted in death, divorce, depression, suicides, and just an overall hostility in the world. (Mental Health is Health) As May is coming to an end and the summer …