Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Is time ticking away from you

You have probably heard someone say, “a watched pot never boils.” Like it always seems that something you want to happen, takes forever to happen and those things you don’t, seem to always happen. A minute can take a long time to pass by if you watch every second tick on. But the one time you turn away, that minute has not only pass by, but so have others.

Time ticking by slowly

Here in Arizona, I have been enjoying some gorgeous weather. Clear blue skies with a scattering of little white clouds or no clouds at all. Temperatures are pleasant to sit in the sun without feeling too warm. An opportunity to sit outside, without a child asking for something, a phone ringing, just by myself in the quiet day. Wishing to be able to sit there for hours, maybe reading a book from my kindle or playing some music.

Ticking by way too fast

Unfortunately, I do not get many of those days. The days I do get are filled with getting the child up and ready for school. Then off to work I go. When the afternoon comes around before I have time to settle into the daily workload, it is time to fight traffic home, make dinner, help with homework, maybe do my own homework. Don’t forget to get the child into the bath and set for bed. Time flies by too fast each day and before I know it, the weekend is here.

Making time work for me

There is only so much time in the day. So how is it we always seem to wish for more time. “If only I had more time to do that.” Or even, “I need more time in the day for myself.” Working so hard to make sure everyone is cared for, fed, clothed, washed and loved. Trying to fit everything possible into one 24-hour day. Leaving little time for you. For your hobbies, your wants, and your peace of mind. Is it fun for you to do all these things for your family and friends? Maybe.

Time for You

Being able to find an hour, for a day to be able to do what you want to do. A chance to sit in the sun for some quiet time. Maybe go for a drive along the coast. How about to sit in a coffee shop and people watch. Even a little time to read your favorite book. It is 60 mins to be only for your mind and body. Only one hour to quiet your mind, recenter and focus on any challenges you may be facing. Ever have a day that so much is going on in your life, you don’t know which way is up? Too many thoughts flooded in your mind to make heads or tails of anything?

Time keeps ticking

Don’t wait until there is no time left. Make sure you don’t wait to make some time for you. Putting off yourself until there is no you left. Making time for ourselves gives your mind a reset. Time to shut down, power off, close up the outside noise. Letting the puzzle pieces shift and work their way back to fit together.

Time will continue to tick on by. Not stopping for anyone. Don’t let it pass you by.

With great warmth,