Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Why is Mental Health in the color green?

Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

I love colors.

Don’t you?

Colors, colors, everywhere colors. You see colors of the rainbow in just about everything you look at. But why are certain things in certain colors?

Sides of a color

Many of us learn about colors in school and then about meanings of colors in high school and college. You learn about how red can represent fire, passion, love, anger, etc. Or that blue is a cool color with water and calm. So why do we see everything about mental health in the color green?

Every color has a positive and negative side. Red, as I mentioned, can give a feeling or emotion of passion and love. But on the stronger side, too much red can bring anger and heat. Green is no different. But let us first think about what we find around us that is green.


When I think about green, I immediately think of nature. Forests and parks full of green trees and grass. Nature brings a level of peacefulness and serenity to many people. Just about every plant grown has an element of green. Another thing I think of that is green is in food like apples and watermelons. Many vegetables are also green. In fruit, the green apples and watermelons are cool and crisp. In vegetables, green veggies are all healthy to our bodies.


Let’s think of green in another way, holidays. One of the most green holiday is St. Patrick’s Day. Green is very prevalent in this holiday, beginning with the simple green four-leaf clover (luck). The holiday alone is a celebration of faith brought to Ireland. Or how about the other holiday, Christmas. We see green and red throughout the holiday. Especially in the evergreen trees and holly decorating the homes. Trees, full of life that remain green throughout winter.


But let us not forget the emotional side of green. Here, green can bring both the positive and negative feelings out. Starting in the negative side, everyone has heard of being “green with envy”. Envy and greed are elements of green. It is just a coincidence that here in the US, our money is green. (Or is it?) The color green can also give a feeling of possessiveness and materialistic. (Again, I am seeing money here…)

So let us look at more positive elements in green. Green has been known to give a relaxing, inspiring, and energizing feeling to people. Growth and an abundance of peace. Even one of the most durable gems around is the Jade that is commonly green. Many people believe the Jade stone symbolizes nobility and wealth. Spiritually, people believe Jade brings serenity and purity to one who ears it.

Why the color green

Then why is mental health awareness using green as its symbolism? Just like with cancer, and breast cancer, or even support with the police and fire, colors are used to help bring attention to the cause. Mental Health is about focusing on the health and “calmness” of your mind. About bringing a sense of “peace” to someone’s life that is struggling. Giving people a chance to “relax” and find a way to “grow” and “restart (rebirth)” their lives.

Yeah, I think green is the perfect choice. I hope you wear a little more green this month and help fight the stigmatism of mental health and support the awareness.

Mental Health is Health – Let’s Support Each Other!

With great warmth,

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