Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

You are sitting there, minding your own business, trying to stay out of your head. All you want to do is work on staying calm and finding some peace in your life. But there comes someone that has a domineering personality, only has a negative point of view on life, and they want to tell you all about it. Suddenly you can feel the added anxiety. The build up of negativity all around you. As one would classify it, this person has become toxic.

Self Love

In my research and the general search as I work on my own self-love, I come across so many quotes about how only we have the choice to be happy or sad. That no one person has the right to make that choice for us. And they are right…kind of. You see, yes, only we can choose whether we view the minute or day in a positive light or a negative one. But other people we meet also have the choice of whether they want to share their views on life. They also have the choice if they are going to test our happiness that day or not.

Toxic world

We see around the world that there are far too many people with a toxic viewpoint on life. The news tells us daily about the ways society is seeing life. But it is our choice on whether we agree with it or not. It is also our choice if we allow their negativity to affect us or not. I know a few people that struggle with trying to stay positive. They have their own struggles they battle each day. And trying to find someone that will care enough to listen is difficult.

Knowing yourself

But when does listening to other people’s challenges start to impact our life? Because it is not easy to stay positive all of the time. I have been told I have a calming nature. When I feel good and happy, I tend to be more vibrant and outgoing. But that is rare these days. Lately, I am tired, quiet, emotional, and stressed. I have been struggling to find a new job. I have my family I am taking care of. And most days I sit here just thinking…about…everything! But with all of that, it is also rare to find me outwardly negative.

Knowing Them

How we allow others to impact our own mental health is a challenge in itself. Especially if the person is close to us. If they are a friend, family member, coworker, or spouse, this makes it even harder to manage. Most will tell you to separate yourself from the toxic person. This is true. Being around a person that is always negative and has toxic views, will test your strength to stay positive. But separating from a family member is not very easy to do. It can be done, though. It will require a strong will from us.

Stay positive

There is enough negativity in the world right now. And lately, it doesn’t look like it is going to get any better any time soon. Many of us struggle every day just to get out of bed. To have a chance to find one piece of the day that is bright, beautiful, and positive can be a sense of magic for some. Any way that we can build happiness in our lives is worth it. Separating, distancing, and avoiding negativity is critical. It will never be easy. But every time we do, our life will be better for it.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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